NOVember Academy Challenge


Infantry are the backbone for the STARFLEET Marine Corps. No matter your MOS, every member of the SFMC is trained in the infantry. The history of this goes back to the Marine Forces of Earth’s militaries. The idea is that any one, from cook to general, can pick up a rifle if they need to.


This is a six-week challenge for the 12th Brigade with each new course being released on Monday. Courses can be taken via the Marine Training Center via Certificates will be issued at the end of the six weeks. Proof of grades, either certificate or screen capture of your transcript, can be emailed to You can either email these once a week or all at once in the end, whichever is easiest for you. The Challenge will close on January 10th at 11:59pm CST.  Good luck, all!


Week 1: Institute of Marine Forces - College of Infantry - IN 102 - Infantry Terminology
Week 2: Institute of Marine Forces - College of Infantry - IN 104 - Infantry MOS
Week 3: Institute of Marine Forces - College of Infantry - IN 106 - Light Weapons
Week 4: Institute of Marine Forces - College of Infantry - IN 113 - Equipment I
Week 5: Institute of Marine Forces - College of Infantry - IN 114 - Equipment II
Week 6: Institute of Marine Forces - College of Infantry - IN 121 - Earth History